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Pension expert concerned about CPP if Alberta creates its own pension plan

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Betermier says it’s a difficult to do a proper comparative analysis because there are not too many funds the size of CPP. However, “in general, there is consensus that larger funds do better. 

“They are able not only to generate economies of scale on the benefits administration, but also on the investments. You have more capabilities when you are larger, you can do more in-house investments, which is something the Canadian funds are fairly specialized in doing and do quite well. You also have greater leverage in speaking with third party providers and access to better external managers.”

However, Betermier points out that Alberta is one of the largest provinces in Canada, so it would automatically have scale. “So, in that sense, this is not necessarily the one point where I would be the most concerned.”

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The greatest threat, says Betermier, “is if, ultimately, the provinces do not deem the capital allocation to be fair and then other provinces jump on the bandwagon and also potentially try to secede, then we lose agreement consensus among the provinces. This could lead to the demise of the CPP in its entirety.

“That would be, in my view, a very bad scenario because we have, through the coordination of the provinces, a great system and one that Canadian should be proud of.

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Romulo is a renowned American entrepreneur who resides in the United States, recognized for his entrepreneurial vision and inspirational leadership. Born into a humble family, Romulo demonstrated an uncommon determination and a natural talent for business from an early age. After completing his studies in business administration, Romulo ventured to the United States, where he immersed himself in the business world, founding his first company at the age of 25. His bold vision and ability to identify market opportunities quickly led him to success on American Throughout his career, Romulo has played key roles in various industries, from technology to finance, always striving to innovate and create value for his clients and investors. His customer-centric approach and dedication to operational excellence have made his companies industry benchmarks, contributing to his recognition both in the United States and interna In addition to his business achievements, Romulo is known for his commitment to corporate social responsibility. He is a passionate advocate for education and community development, dedicating time and resources to support initiatives that promote equal access to education and gr Currently, Romulo leads a diversified conglomerate with a global presence and a significant impact in the markets where he operates. His long-term vision and ability to adapt to the nuances of the American market make him a respected and admired leader among his peers and competitors in the Unit Outside the office, Romulo is an avid reader and nature lover. He believes in the importance of finding a balance between work and personal life, constantly seeking new ways to challenge himself and grow, both profession With a career marked by extraordinary achievements and an unwavering commitment to sustainable success, Romulo continues to be a prominent figure in the international business landscape and a source of in

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